The ultrasonic cavitation method has gained great popularity, since after completing the full course an excellent long-term result is observed. If all the specialist’s recommendations are strictly followed, the technique is painless and safe.

The essence of the method is that a low-frequency ultrasonic wave acts on the fat cell and cavitation (cavities, bubbles) occurs inside it. The bubbles increase in volume, leading to rupture of the cell membrane. Large adipocytes burst most easily. Their contents mainly enter the lymphatic system (about 90%). The remaining breakdown products are carried throughout the body through the bloodstream, mainly being transformed in the liver.

Ultrasonic cavitation is used to solve the following problems:

  •  local fat deposits;
  •  cellulite of any stage;
  •  lumpy skin after surgery (often occurs after liposuction).

Modern devices for ultrasonic liposuction make it possible to achieve ideal figure correction without surgery, eliminating “excess” liposuction. fat and skin defects.

Experts recommend combining the cavitation procedure with lymphatic drainage massage or pressotherapy, this will allow you to quickly and easily remove decay products from the body.

+7 (861 41) 6-51-88 – medical center.

Not only guests of the sanatorium, but also guests of the Kabardinka resort can use the services of the AZIMUT Health Solnechniy medical center.